
Saturday, August 16, 2014

Hitler played chess with Lenin in 1909

Hitler played chess with Lenin in Austria at a Jewish Mason house in 1909

Hitler lived right next to the Tavistock institute from 1912 to 1913

Hitler didn’t arrest all the Jew bankers. He never bombed their homes and even took aid from Jewish front businesses in America.

Hitler let 350,000 English troops go at Dunkirk which had he simply captured, would have ended the war in the west.

Hitler screwed Rommel at very turn, opposed everything he did because Rommel, while given light armor and infantry with NO air cover, was actually about to capture Palestine which would have won the war against the Zionist Jews, if they actually opposed them. It would have opened up a southern flank into Russia, splitting the world in two, also enabling them to link up with the Japanese.
Hitler replaced Rommel with a bozo who refused to allow the French to defend from the high ground during operation torch which so demoralized the French, they did put up a fight and quit allowing the Americans to walk into Africa.
Hitler refused to walk in and take Moscow, which would have ended the war in the west, when it had no resistance, opting instead to wait until the next summer which allowed the Soviets to regroup and defend the city.
Hitler refused to allow the ME 262 with a kill ratio of 500 to 1 to be used against the allied Bombers. He refused to covert these jet fighters to bombers. Only at the very end of the war and because German pilots mass revolted did Hitler relent but it was too late.
Hitler refused to use the French Navy which was big enough to check the Americans and British.
Hitler refused to take Gibraltar which for hundreds of years was used to bottleneck the Mediterranean. This would have stopped any allied surface fleets from entering.
Hitler refused to allow the gestapo to investigate his inner circle where radio transmissions giving the Soviets, Nazis war plans, were traced to.
Hitler declared war against America when he didn’t have to. America had only declared war against Japan and America firsters were not going to let Rosenfeld use America to fight in Europe. Hitler put and end to that.
Hitler stopped bombing military targets in UK to go after the population when the RAF was a week from a complete knockout and all of Germany’s high command knew it. Instead, he went after civilian targets which allowed the British RAF to be saved.
Hitler didn’t die in the bunker. He lived in Argentina and was protected by OSS and other international intelligence agencies as proven by recently released FBI files. You can see it yourself at their site.
Now, I could name a whole bunch of other things like all those German Nationalists who tried to assassinate him but were foiled, over and over due to OSS leaking details to German intelligence but what is the point?
I mean, how stupid of anyone to see the obvious when it was HITLER who transferred the first Jews (60,000) to Israel, the site he KNEW they planned a World Government while he also loaned them hundreds of millions of dollars and built their early infrastructure.
How clueless can we be when it was Hitler who rounded up the Bolshevik type Jews and allowed Jewish Zionists to indoctrinate them in the camps, flying the star of david flag and this for later mass transfer to Palestine.
Extract From dublinsmick website

I appreciate the link. 

After hearing for so long that Alester Crowley's magic child (Hitler) built roads and all, put a chicken in every German pot and freed Germany from fiat money,I decided to drum up all information I could find to refute this. 

I have found over the years I have learned more from blogging than anyone stumbling into my blog hoping to find information. 

On another topic, a friend sent this in. It is a very inspiring site. If only there were more around like Miles Mathis.

Cheers, the Mickster 


  1. Jennifer4:55 pm

    I think this image explains things:

  2. Anonymous5:08 pm

    I appreciate the link.

    After hearing for so long that Alester Crowley's magic child (Hitler) built roads and all, put a chicken in every German pot and freed Germany from fiat money,I decided to drum up all information I could find to refute this.

    I have found over the years I have learned more from blogging than anyone stumbling into my blog hoping to find information.

    On another topic, a friend sent this in. It is a very inspiring site. If only there were more around like Miles Mathis.

    Cheers, the Mickster
