
Monday, January 02, 2012

The Titanic Was Sunk Deliberately

The crew expected to be rescued, but due to an error in radioing position, the rescue plan went wrong.Was there also a murder plot? Why did the three opponents of The Federal Reserve all perish, the richest men in America, Strauss, Astor and Gugenheim? Was the sinking of The Titanic also a cover story for assassination?

Edward Smith the Captain played his part. The three wealthiest people in America were on board, all opponents of The Federal Reserve. Their deaths eliminated the effective opposition.

When a person takes the Jesuit Oath, he is bound to his master until the day that he dies. Edward Smith had become a man without will or intelligence. He would commit any crime the Order wanted him to commit.

Edward Smith had been required for martyrdom (TAP - not quite true according to another history of the event. He was part of a conspiracy to sink the ship, but he expected to be rescued along with passengers and crew, thinking the sinking to be purely an insurance scam).

On board the Titanic that night, Edward Smith knew his duty. He was under oath. The ship had been built for the enemies of the Jesuits. After three days at sea with only one pair of glasses for the bridge, Edward Smith propelled the Titanic full speed ahead, twenty-two knots, on a moonless dark night through a gigantic ice field nearly eighty square miles in area. Edward Smith did this despite at least eight telegrams warning him to be more cautious because he was going too fast.

Did Edward Smith need one caution? No, he had been traveling those waters for twenty-six years. He knew there were icebergs in that area. But eight cautions did not stop this man who was under the Jesuit oath, and under orders to destroy the Titanic.

(TAP - again not quite true. Captains could see icebergs at five miles day or night and could easily turn their ships around them. The speed theory is wrong)

The absurdity of warning veteran Captain Edward Smith repeatedly on Titanic’s tragic night to slow down is nothing short of preposterous. The fact that Smith never listened or heeded the warnings is insane. He had been given orders from his god in the Vatican, and nothing would turn him from his course. The encyclopedias paint a very tragic picture of Smith in his last hours. When it came time to give the order to load and lower the lifeboats, Smith wavered and one of his aides had to approach him for the order to be given. Smith’s legendary skills of leadership seem to have left him; he was curiously indecisive and unusually cautious on that fatal night.

(TAP. Actually his crewman had given the wrong position for the ship, and the rescue ship couldn't see their flares being too far away.)

Are these words to describe a legendary sea captain with 26 years of experience, or are these words to describe a man who was struggling in his mind whether he should do his duty as a sea captain or obey his master who told him to sink the ship?

NOW THIS IS THE INTERESTING BIT. HOW COME Gugenheim, Astor and Strauss, the three richest men in America, all opponents of the Federal Reserve, perished, while the ship's owner survived, and many others?

He had arranged with Gugenheim, Stauss & Astor, to accompany them on the voyage, but again conveniently missed the appointment at the last minute. I remember reading somewhere, that the three, were forced out of one of the life boats at gunpoint by another Jesuit, to make certain there would be no opposition to their plan.

John Jacob Astor’s wife got into a life boat and was saved, while John Jacob Astor perished in the waters of the North Atlantic. There were not enough lifeboats and many of them were only half full with only women and children. To prevent nearby freighters from responding with help, the distress flares were white when they should have been red. White flares to passing freighters state that everybody was having a party.

TAP - not correct. The white flares were seen by the 'rescue boat' but they weren't from The Titanic, but an illegal sealing vessel working the ice at night. The Captain of the rescue boat was told to respond to coloured flares - blue red and white. The ship was too far away to see them. The loss of life was an error.

One of the greatest tragedies of the twentieth century, the sinking of the Titanic, lies at the door of the Jesuit Order. The unsinkable ship, the floating palace was created to be the tomb for the wealthy, who opposed the Federal Reserve System. By April, 1912, all opposition to the Federal Reserve was eliminated. In December of 1913, the Federal Reserve System came into being in the United States. Eight months later, the Jesuits had sufficient funding through the Federal Reserve bank to begin World War One.

Read the whole post

Sent in by Scotty

Another link featuring other acts of the Jesuits, including the killing of General George Patton.

TAP This all appears to be confirming what Wasp has been saying for a while.

WASP adds

Yep, that's right, I am glad to see you are a convert Scotty!

Everyone is wasting their time trying to justify it's the Jews who are the 'Puppet Masters', as I have said before JUST LOOK AT THE HISTORY, it should then be self evident, who 'Gold Finger' is. Harland & Wolff's Shipyard was owned by JP Morgan, another Jesuit,who had conveniently arranged, that The Titanic would go to sea with many rivets missing, & insufficient life saving devices being carried for the maiden voyage.

He had arranged with Gugenheim, Stauss & Astor, to accompany them on the voyage, but again conveniently missed the appointment at the last minute. I remember reading somewhere, that the three, were forced out of one of the life boats at gunpoint by another Jesuit, to make certain there would be no opposition to their plan.

Here is a history of how the ship was sunk deliberately, without straying too far into who was behind it.

Another historical mystery or puzzle is: What was the real story behind the sinking of the Titanic?

The book 'The Secret Terrorists' printed by Truth Triumphant Ministries and reprinted by Tree of Life Resources places blame squarely on the Roman Catholic Order known as the Jesuits.

'The greatest tragedies in the last 200 years can be traced to the Jesuits' In 1910, seven men met on Jekyll Island just off the coast of Georgia to plan the Federal Reserve Bank. Nelson Aldrich and Frank Valderclip represented the Rockefeller financial empire. Henry Davidson, Charles Norton and Benjamin Strong represented J.P. Morgan. Paul Warberg represented the Rothschilds Banking dynasty of Europe. The Rothschilds were the banking agents for the Jesuits and hold 'the key to the wealth of the Roman Catholic Church' The Morgan gang, the Rothschilds gang and the Rockefeller gang were fierce competitors yet entered joint ventures. They established the national banking cartel called the Federal Reserve System....according to G. Edward Griffin in 'The Creature From Jekyll Island (American Opinion Publishing P. 209).

A review of this book stated: 'It tells a story of how bankers have lured politicians with easy money and end up in control of most of the world'. For those of you who think the Jesuit Connection is a 'LOAD of TWADDLE' I would suggest you read. The Link :-

I gave you some titles of books I have read viz. Tupper Saussy: „Rulers of Evil” Eric Jon Phelps: „Vatican Assassins” Bill Hughes: „The Secret Terrorists” I would then suggest you look up SMOM The Most Powerful Organisation The World Has Ever Known, controlled by the JESUITS, who were responsible for implementation of the Protocols.

Many people have never heard of them, which gives an idea of the importance of This Order, least of all the popular press. viz Andewrs Breivik Zionist, Jesuit, & a Knight of Malta. The highest being The Knights of St. Gregory, Pat Buchanan holds this Rank.



There are many other authoritative sources but one worthy of mention is Dr.Alberto Revera, who blew the lid off of the Jesuit Organisation, & was killed for his efforts.


REGARDS ............ WASP

TAP WASP, someone needs to congratulate you for your perseverance, not to mention your greatly improved writing style. Those capital letters were horrible to read! You hardly need an edit now. For which I am most grateful!


Yes WASP, the Jesuits really do look like the masters of evil ! That would begin to explain some of what goes on; also the unhealthy interest shown in Occult matters by UN and other groups.

After reading that the Jesuits worked-out the practicalities and philosophy of Communism in South & Central America for a couple of centuries, before tutoring Marx, allegedly at the British Museum, and getting him to front the whole thing, I really thought that explanation made some sense.

I've always wondered about Communism, it just seems too clever for one man to work-out, so comprehensively, in one or two books. A system of total slavery where everyone is equal - equally poor, equally without any rights, freedoms, property, etc and then to be able to actually sell it to the world as a Utopian wonder-world of the future - and just as soon as we've done away with these evil capitalists !! Ha ha it's almost pantomime stuff, but worked so well and all funded by the very same capitalists, bankers and, now it would appear, with the Jesuits behind them all !! A very complex and effective deception - if the info. is correct - and I'm sure that's not the entire story.

I'm interested in the Communist revolution in China - is there evidence pointing towards Mao being funded by Western money and backed by the Jesuits???

I read Mao The Unknown Story, about how Mao never really had any loyalty to other Communists, even deceiving entire Communist armies, resulting in them marching off the their deaths. HE wanted power, over and above a Communist victory. Could this indicate that there were other forces at play, determined that Mao would rule a new Communist China - at any cost?

I've also read, elsewhere, that the cousin of Maurice F Strong, Anna Louise Strong, an avowed Marxist, was in China with Mao in 1960's, as a 'translator'. Maurice Strong was always very involved with the UN, but behind the scenes.

Is there any evidence of Jesuit influence in China, at the time of the Communist Revolution, or other Western involvement and influence?


  1. Zheng Yong1:43 am

    Hi Tap,

    This reminds of another ship, The RMS Lusitania.

    It was said that she was scarified.

    Do you want me to send you the links?

    Thank You.

  2. Lusitania was sunk to get America into the war, I believe. Yes. Let's read it again, and refresh the ageing memory...

  3. Zheng Yong2:09 am

    Hi Tap,

    There is something I do not understand about the Titanic conspiracy.

    I understand that when the transatlantic ocean liner was sinking, women and children were asked to board the lifeboat since it is the protocol. What I read is that the First class passengers were the surviving majority among all the classes on the ship. The three men were all in the first class, they could have board the lifeboats. After all, Bruce Ismay managed to get into one of the lifeboats. Two of them(apart from Isador Strauss who wanted to die with his wife since she refused to board the lifeboat and she said that they have lived together and will die together)) could get into the first few lifeboats being lowered. Not many passengers wanted to board the boats initially.

    Thank You.

    Perhaps the others( like Wasp and Scotty can provide an answer.

  4. Zheng Yong2:15 am

    Hi tap,

    Here is the RMS Lusitania conspiracy.

    Relating to the RMS Titanic conspiracy, MR Abraham Lincoln died on 15th April 1865.

    The RMS Titanic sank on 15th April 1912 at 2.20am (British time).

    Another reason to believe that the sinking of the RMS Titanic was a conspiracy.

    After all, we all know that The Illuminati or Evil Global Elite, likes to use occult numerology.

  5. Yep, that's right, I am glad to see you are a convert Scotty, Everyone is wasting their time trying to justify it's the Jews who are the 'Puppet Masters', as I have said before JUST LOOK AT THE HISTORY, it should then be self evident, who 'Gold Finger' is.
    Harland & Wolff's Shipyard was owned by JP Morgan, another Jesuit,who had conveniently arranged, that The Titanic would go to sea with many rivets missing, & insufficient life saving devices being carried for the maiden voyage. He had arranged with Gugenheim, Stauss & Astor, to accompany them on the voyage, but again conveniently missed the appointment at the last minuite.
    I remember reading somewhere, that the three, was forced out of one of the life boats at gunpoint by another Jesuit, to make certain there would be no opposition to their plan.

    Another historical mystery or puzzle is: What was the real story behind the sinking of the Titanic? The book 'The Secret Terrorists' printed by Truth Triumphant Ministries and reprinted by Tree of Life Resources places blame squarely on the Roman Catholic Order known as the Jesuits. 'The greatest tragedies in the last 200 years can be traced to the Jesuits'
    In 1910, seven men met on Jekyll Island just off the coast of Georgia to plan the Federal Reserve Bank. Nelson Aldrich and Frank Valderclip represented the Rockefeller financial empire. Henry Davidson, Charles Norton and Benjamin Strong represented J.P. Morgan. Paul Warberg represented the Rothschilds Banking dynasty of Europe. The Rothschilds were the banking agents for the Jesuits and hold 'the key to the wealth of the Roman Catholic Church'

    The Morgan gang, the Rothschilds gang and the Rockefeller gang were fierce competitors yet entered joint ventures. They established the national banking cartel called the Federal Reserve System....according to G. Edward Griffin in 'The Creature From Jekyll Island (American Opinion Publishing P. 209). A review of this book stated: 'It tells a story of how bankers have lured politicians with easy money and end up in control of most of the world'
    For those of you who think the Jesuit Connection is a 'LOAD of TWADDLE' I would suggest you read.

    The Link :- I gave you some titles of books I have read viz.
    Tupper Saussy: „Rulers of Evil”
    Eric Jon Phelps: „Vatican Assassins”
    Bill Hughes: „The Secret Terrorists”
    I would then suggest you look up SMOM The Most Powerful Organisation The World Has Ever Known, controlled by the JESUITS, who were responsible for implementation of the Protacols. Many people have never heard of them, so have idea of the importance of This Order, least of all the popular press. viz Andewrs Breivik Zionist, Jesuit, & a Knight of Malta. The highest being The Knights of St. Gregory, Pat Buchanan holds this Rank. Link:-

    There are many other aurthoritative sources but one worthy of mention is Dr.Alberto Revera, who blew the lid off of the Jesuit Organisation, & was killed for his efforts.

    REGARDS ............ WASP

  6. Julia4:27 pm

    The whole Titanic thing reminds me of the Twin Towers in the way we are constantly reminded about it, and the mind programming reinforced. And another Kate Winslet film! She is really being used on the propaganda thing.

  7. Scotty7:34 pm

    Yes WASP, the Jesuits really do look like the masters of evil ! That would begin to explain some of what goes on; also the unhealthy interest shown in Occult matters by UN and other groups.

    After reading that the Jesuits worked-out the practicalities and philosophy of Communism in South & Central America for a couple of centuries, before tutoring Marx, allegedly at the British Museum, and getting him to front the whole thing, I really thought that explanation made some sense.

    I've always wondered about Communism, it just seems too clever for one man to work-out, so comprehensively, in one or two books. A system of total slavery where everyone is equal - equally poor, equally without any rights, freedoms, property, etc and then to be able to actually sell it to the world as a Utopian wonder-world of the future - and just as soon as we've done away with these evil capitalists !! Ha ha it's almost pantomime stuff, but worked so well and all funded by the very same capitalists, bankers and, now it would appear, with the Jesuits behind them all !! A very complex and effective deception - if the info. is correct - and I'm sure that's not the entire story.

    I'm interested in the Communist revolution in China - is there evidence pointing towards Mao being funded by Western money and backed by the Jesuits???

    I read Mao The Unknown Story, about how Mao never really had any loyalty to other Communists, even deceiving entire Communist armies, resulting in them marching off the their deaths. HE wanted power, over and above a Communist victory. Could this indicate that there were other forces at play, determined that Mao would rule a new Communist China - at any cost?

    I've also read, elsewhere, that the cousin of Maurice F Strong, Anna Louise Strong, an avowed Marxist, was in China with Mao in 1960's, as a 'translator'. Mauruce Strong was always very involved with the UN, but behind the scenes.

    Is there any evidence of Jesuit influence in China, at the time of the Communist Revolution, or other Western involvement and influence?

  8. Scotty7:44 pm

    With regard to the Titanic piece, someone told me and I also read that the ship that set sail and hit the iceberg was actually the sister ship of The Titanic, The Olympic. The stokers all got of the ship in Southampton and refused to go any further, apparently.
    I read that The Olympic had been involved in an accident, was not sea-worthy and therefore sunk for the insurance.
    Maybe, this could be a 'conspiricy cover-story' for the true reason for the sinking, the Jesuits plotting re. The Federal Reserve.

  9. Anonymous12:26 am

    This could be a big story

    "An investigation was launched after a dog walker discovered the remains at 4pm on New Year’s Day just a mile from the Royal Stud and less than two miles from the estate’s main residence.

    The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh, who are currently staying on the 8,000-hectare estate for their Christmas break, were informed of the discovery on Monday night.


    It remained unclear on Monday night how long the remains had been there, if they are a body, if they had been identified, or the age of the victim or victims. The dog walker has also not been named."

    If it is a recent body, are the royals going to be questioned since it was on their property?

    Is that sort of thing decided on by the Rothschilds?

    Was this an accident or deliberate? Of course, it could be an ancient corpse and a sensationalist headline. More news tomorrow, I guess.

  10. Anonymous6:28 pm

    @Scotty, re the connection between the Titanic and the Olympic. I have the video which examines this and proves it.

  11. Anonymous11:32 am

    Yes, it is TRUE. The RMS 'Titanic' was sunk on the orders of the British Prime Minister, Mrs Margaret Thatcher in 1912. The 'Titanic' was shipping British space and Nuclear technology to Canada to be trans-shipped to a launch point for onward journey to the British Secret Moon Base 'Alpha Bravo One'. Mrs Thatcher did not want the US CIA and Military-Industrial complex to seize this cargo as contraband. Many passengers who did not manage to get on board the 'Titanic' flew to the states from London Heathrow and London Gatwick airports.

    This is all Certifably True I tell you, just like me, I too have been certified)

  12. Anonymous9:39 am

    More evidence that these people are as bad, perhaps worse that I thought. All they do is moan, complain, steal and conspire. But everyone must feel sorry for them. Its them taking over the world not their worst enemy of all time and maybe he actually had a point.
    Now they are martyrs.
