
Saturday, February 22, 2014

Education literally means guiding you away from the truth, away from what you would naturally think and be.

World English Dictionary

Originally of education in social codes and manners; meaning "systematic schooling and training for work"

TAP - Training for work to meet the objectives of those who will employ you.  That means hiding any knowledge of their evil intentions and past actions, ensuring you don't get any ideas of competing with them, or undermining their power.  You are allowed to graduate - i.e. move very slowly to the position of servant, wage slave.  They will do all they can to kill individual thinking or initiative taking.


  1. stedra rulz3:28 pm

    If you'd read a certain book you'd know that initiative is something that they fear.

  2. which book would that be, Stedra? 1984?

  3. Anonymous4:17 pm

    my own child comes home from schol saying homosexuality is quite ok and in roman times all the roman men had little bumbadillos or the holocaust killed 6 million jews, they teach them god awful lies now

  4. The Romans had slaves for all their 'needs' or delights, so that's alright then.

  5. Anonymous5:38 pm

    Zaddikim the start of the NWO.

  6. Anonymous9:12 pm

    My Grandson recently told me that the Germans invaded Poland and that started the WW2.
    I had to explain that Russia and Germany invaded Poland in the same week, and that started the War.
    His teacher had erased half of the truth.

  7. Anonymous7:32 am

    "my own child comes home from schol saying homosexuality is quite ok and in roman times all the roman men had little bumbadillos or the holocaust killed 6 million jews, they teach them god awful lies now"

    Ahd should you tell your child that it's lies and not true he'll/she'll go to school and say what you said and will be:

    1. Called a homophobe, an anti semite, a bigot and a racist.
    2. Be ostracised by fellow peers.
    3. Be reprimanded by the school and disciplined, either suspended or expelled and worse the police called in who may push for a hate crime, theirs AND YOUR subsequent arrest.

    The result may very well be social services removing your child and/or your child hating you as the state wants.

    I completely agree in your view but warn you of the situation should you question academia, the other brainwashing mouthpiece of the state (along with the msm).

    Remember, we are living under full blown communism, with a thin veil of democracy to fool the public.


  8. Anonymous10:42 am

    Did you know the Jews have been using the 6 Million number since the 1890s? it was around long before the supposed 6 Million Jew holocaust during WW2, which I might add they are now trying to revise up to 20Million, that's about 7-8 Million more Jews than actually existed on the ENTIRE PLANET at that time.

    You know they always forget to mention the fact there were countless Millions of other people who died during WW2 mostly in fighting the Jews war against the White race.

  9. 28 million Russians. Stalin was a puppet of the cabal that ran the war, same as Hitler. Stalin's handler was Averil Harriman. Hitler's was Martin Borman. Churchill was controlled by Victor Rothschild. They coordinated the war, prevented any new technologies from breaking through on all sides, and hoped to kill far more people than they did. The bombing of cities failed to kill that many. If they tried the same games again today, the numbers would be far higher.
