Reporter Robert Green was arrested in Aberdeen for the crime of seeking justice and an investigation into the case of Down’s Syndrome girl, Hollie Greig, who says she was serially-raped over a decade by an establishment paedophile ring operating in Scotland.
Robert is now out on bail and with a gagging order against him in an effort to stop him naming the people that Hollie says were involved. But before the order he recorded the video presentation here …
Here's a follow up on the Holly Greig case and the rendition of Robert
Green to Scotland where he is still being held without a charge and
without representation.
It is UK column for 21stFeb.
TAP - I can't get UK Column to work the morning. I'll keep trying.
Latest update on arrest of child abuse campaigner Robert Green; Aberdeen police attempt to section Robert at Aberdeen's Cornhill Hospital the same hospital used to section Anne Grieg when she reported the abuse of her daughter to Grampian Police; Robert Green asks Cheshire Chief Constable David Whatton and Police Commissioner John Dwyer to protect him against corrupt Scottish police but they collaborate in his arrest and removal of evidence;
Chief Super Adrian Watson trumpets his performance whilst his force fail to apprehend child abusers;
Scottish Law Reporter reports of paedophiles in Dame Elish Angiolini's Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service as police evidence of paedophiles mysteriously moves to computer of another Fiscal Service Officer;
Alex Salmond holds responsibility for paedophile corruption at heart of the judicial system but loses or hides documents pertaining to abuse;
Possibility exists Robert Green is ensnared in the pernicious Scottish MAPPA system; Paedophilic Scottish Government launches Getting it Right initiative placing a named person alongside every child from birth;
UK debt hits £1.239 trillion as politicians fiddle with the pennies;
Ukraine government attempts compromise deal but EU quickly manoeuvres to undermine peace;
UK scientists and engineers challenge Cameron of ignoring the nations expertise; Balls talks balls on flooding;
Britton's EU boy Nick Clegg to debate EU with EU paid UKip leader Nigel Farage
Here's something to go on with.
Here's something to go on with.
This is worth a listen....
Don't rely on just Youtube alone because the CIA/NSA/Nazis keep deleting videos to stop the info getting out. Use other video hosting services as well for mirror sites. For instance,Dutchsinse now uses Daily Motion.
ReplyDeleteThe City of London Corporation spent over a million pounds trying to shut Ian Puddick up.
ReplyDeleteThey locked him up several times, created false evidence, made up stories, raided his home and Business premises.
All he wanted was his own wife back.
This the extent the Elite Mafia will go to.
Hi Tap, Robert Green seems to be a genuine person, having heard him speak at a UK column meeting.
ReplyDeleteHowever, has he taken into account, that many Police, Judges, Barristers, Solicitors and Court Officials are Freemasons.
Scotland is the home of the Scottish rite brand of Freemasonary.
Many of our top politicians belong to this rite.
Little wonder the Elite are trying to remove Scotland from the UK.