Makow on meeting Fulford
Harbinger writes -
"...Secretary of Skull and Bones John Kerry showed up in China with begging bowl in hand last week and got a donation, according to Chinese government sources."
You see, this is something that I don't buy. The American Federal Reserve is owned by amongst others the Rothschild banking cabal. He wakes up every morning and decides the price of gold around the world.
Moreso, China would be a communist shithole, were it not for the fact that those behind the American FR built China up to what it is today. If people really think that China all of a sudden went from a Communist mass murdering state to the number one global manufacturing power through savvy, needs to have a reality check. The west built China to where it is today and could crush it overnight.
However that is not the plan.
China has been purposefully built up to take over from the USA as the world policeman and military superpower, once the USA has utterly destroyed itself against Islam - kill two birds with one stone so to speak.
Go back to the writings of Bertrand Russell and the rest of the illuminaries who speak of the Chinese being the model people for the New World Order that will wither be'enforced or accepted as they said. The Chinese have a hive mind. They're obedient, servile and don't kick up a fuss if they're getting shafted by the elites. Western peoples aren't like that. Too much fire in the blood to stop corruption and tyranny.
So I've said it before. Fulford is a plant and a heavily cooked up one at that.
Benjamin Fulford writes - February 17, 2014: Secretary of Skull and Bones Kerry’s begging bowl half-filled after China pays, Indonesia nays
The United States of America Corporation has managed to stave off bankruptcy once again last
week after Secretary of Skull and Bones John Kerry showed up in China with begging bowl in
hand last week and got a donation, according to Chinese government sources. The money
came with many strings attached, notably getting the US to jerk Japanese slave Prime Minister
Shinzo Abe’s chain
and accept the reunification of the Korean peninsula, the sources said. The reunification of
Korea story, something the Zionist slave press tried to ignore, can be seen here on the official
North Korean news site:
However, Kerry’s efforts to get gold from Indonesia to support the Federal Reserve Board and
week after Secretary of Skull and Bones John Kerry showed up in China with begging bowl in
hand last week and got a donation, according to Chinese government sources. The money
came with many strings attached, notably getting the US to jerk Japanese slave Prime Minister
Shinzo Abe’s chain
and accept the reunification of the Korean peninsula, the sources said. The reunification of
Korea story, something the Zionist slave press tried to ignore, can be seen here on the official
North Korean news site:
However, Kerry’s efforts to get gold from Indonesia to support the Federal Reserve Board and
his Fuehrer George Bush Sr. were rebuffed prompting Kerry to make veiled threats to unleash
weather warfare: “in a sense climate change can now be considered another weapon of mass
destruction, perhaps even the world’s most fearsome weapon,” after Indonesia’s president
refused to meet him.
He also threatened other countries by saying: “Just one meter is enough to put half of Jakarta
He also threatened other countries by saying: “Just one meter is enough to put half of Jakarta
under water. Just one meter would displace hundreds of millions of people worldwide and
threaten billions in economic activity,” Kerry said.;_ylt=AwrSyCOE5gBTVEEAaffQtDMD
These sorts of veiled threats are a sign of desperation, not strength because events around the;_ylt=AwrSyCOE5gBTVEEAaffQtDMD
These sorts of veiled threats are a sign of desperation, not strength because events around the
world are no longer going according to the Zionist/Nazi agenda and their fascist new world order
is collapsing.
The suspicious death last week of yet another JP Morgan IT specialist, the 37 year old Ryan
The suspicious death last week of yet another JP Morgan IT specialist, the 37 year old Ryan
Henry Crane, was linked to Kerry’s gold begging mission in Indonesia, according to CIA and
other sources. The dying beast that is JP Morgan has to make
There may also be some military turbulence that will accompany this financial warfare,
There may also be some military turbulence that will accompany this financial warfare,
according to Eastern European sources. A war call has been sent out in the Eastern bloc and
some sort of major move is promised for after the Sochi Olympics end, these sources say.
Already, Russian and other Eastern European special forces have gone to the Ukraine and told
Already, Russian and other Eastern European special forces have gone to the Ukraine and told
the CIA “protesters” there to choose between “vodka, caviar and friendship” or “death.” Perhaps
that is why the Ukraine turmoil suddenly stopped.
Also, the Serbians are very upset the Americans did not shut down their Bondsteel military camp
Also, the Serbians are very upset the Americans did not shut down their Bondsteel military camp
as promised and are once again thinking of destroying it with a suit-case nuclear weapon.
The situation in the Middle East too is moving towards a paradigm shift. The Egyptians, Syrians,
The situation in the Middle East too is moving towards a paradigm shift. The Egyptians, Syrians,
Iranians and Turks are all moving towards ending the ancient Sunni/Shia rift and creating a
loose confederation of Muslim states.
The Saudi and Israeli factions still trying to foment a Christian/Muslim holy war are increasingly
The Saudi and Israeli factions still trying to foment a Christian/Muslim holy war are increasingly
isolated and a take-down of the Saudi regime is possible unless they surrender.
Speaking about surrender, the Saudis made an offer of $25 trillion recently to the White Dragon
Speaking about surrender, the Saudis made an offer of $25 trillion recently to the White Dragon
Society in exchange for historical Asian gold but were refused because accepting it would have
meant agreeing that they had the right to create money out of thin air. The money would have
been created at one of several esoteric “trading platforms” the cabal uses to create money out of
thin air and then launder it into the real economy. The right create money must always be linked
to the real world and must belong to the people and other living creatures of the planet earth and
not to an ancient slaving guild.
There was also an offer of 12 trillion dollars’ worth gold from South America made to the WDS
There was also an offer of 12 trillion dollars’ worth gold from South America made to the WDS
last week. This offer seemed to be genuine and filled with good intent but so far, as has been the
case with all other stories of astronomical amounts of gold, no physical proof it exists has yet
been produced. The person making the offer promised to show up soon with physical gold. We
shall see.
The only real treasure in Asia this writer has seen proof of still being in existence is the treasure
The only real treasure in Asia this writer has seen proof of still being in existence is the treasure
hidden in the hills behind the treasure museum in Taipei, Taiwan. Even a lot of that was
thoroughly looted by eunuchs etc. long before the Nationalist Chinese government evacuated it
to Taiwan.
Even if some of the other legendary treasure stashes exist, the people of the world must ask
Even if some of the other legendary treasure stashes exist, the people of the world must ask
themselves if hidden controllers claiming ownership of these treasures should be put in charge
of deciding the future of the planet.
The Chinese government, the Russians, the Pentagon and their allies may have to come to the
The Chinese government, the Russians, the Pentagon and their allies may have to come to the
conclusion that all of these tales of umpteen million tons of gold are a red herring. If that is the
case, they need to take over the current privately owned international central banking system
and then start backing the various currencies out there with a basket of commodities or other real
"...Secretary of Skull and Bones John Kerry showed up in China with begging bowl in hand last week and got a donation, according to Chinese government sources."
ReplyDeleteYou see, this is something that I don't buy. The American FR is owned by amongst others the Rothschild banking cabal. He wakes up every morning and decides the price of gold around the world.
Moreso, China would be a communist shithole, were it not for the fact that those behind the American FR built China up to what it is today. If people really think that China all of a sudden went from a Communist mass murdering state to the number one global manufacturing power through savvy, needs to have a reality check. The west built China to where it is today and could crush it overnight.
However that is not the plan.
China has been purposefully built up to take over from the USA as the world policeman and military superpower, once the USA has utterly destroyed itself against Islam - kill two birds with one stone so to speak.
Go back to the writings of Bertrand Russell and the rest of the illuminaries who speak of the Chinese being the model people for the New World Order that will wither be 'enforced or accepted as they said. The Chinese have a hive mind. They're obedient, servile and don't kick up a fuss if they're getting shafted by the elites. Western peoples aren't like that. Too much fire in the blood to stop corruption and tyranny.
So I've said it before. Fulford is a plant and a heavily coked up one at that.
ReplyDeleteBen Fulford The countdown begins, Secretary of Skull and Bones Kerry goes on begging mission
Fulford looks cozy on that photograph.
ReplyDeleteBirds of a feather !!
Anon 9:16am, I thought I had seen Fulford interviewing Rockefella on one of his shows ??
ReplyDeleteI think he looks very uncomfortable in that photo. His body language shows he feels uneasy as does his facial expressiion.
ReplyDeleteBenny Full-of-shit isn't a plant or disinfo agent or whatever other ridiculously glorified label gullible morons might want to put upon him - he's a cheap pathetic con-artist charging $8 for every puerile weekly newsletter he has flogged to the thousands (do the maths!) of self-deceived twits lapping up his nonsense (who, it must be said, deserve to be rorted for being such idiots). He's not paid to do deceive, he cons people into paying for his deceptions, his wildly inaccurate guesses of what MIGHT be going on. Heck, anyone one reading this blog could come up with the same guff if they were desperate or depraved enough. Think about it: every week he HAS TO come up with more gibberish to feed his subscribers - not wait for something interesting to happen or cross his desk as most other 'truth bloggers' do, but invent a new 'well informed' narrative every week. He has sold thousands of subscriptions to his WEEKLY musings, so muse he must.Anyone swallowing his crap, and worse still anyone PAYING for it, really needs to have a good hard look at themselves (or more importantly, review the medication they're taking.PS: Have a look at some of his nonsense predictions from a few years ago to see if this fool is on the money... We're still waiting for the reset Benny. And what happened to all those arrests?
ReplyDeleteChris B
Chris B,
ReplyDelete"Benny Full-of-shit isn't a plant or disinfo agent or whatever other ridiculously glorified label gullible morons might want to put upon him - he's a cheap pathetic con-artist charging $8 for every puerile weekly newsletter he has flogged to the thousands (do the maths!) of self-deceived twits lapping up his nonsense (who, it must be said, deserve to be rorted for being such idiots)."
So if he's writing nonsense, he's writing falsehoods. The best disinformation agents out there peddle lots of truths but intertwine it with downright rubbish so as to coerce the public into believing what thet write.
Ben's just a bad disinfo agent and VERY POSSIBLY a plant.
ReplyDeleteDEATH AT age 46?
Fulford & Rockefeller: The Japan Interview FULL VERSION
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