
Friday, February 21, 2014

Why is Asian rice heavily contaminated with tungsten?

We deserve clean proteins! Lead, cadmium, mercury and tungsten need to be limited across all rice protein products...

Rice protein products currently sold across the USA contain concerning concentrations of lead, cadmium and even tungsten, an industrial heavy metal.
Tests conducted at the Consumer Wellness Center Forensic Food Lab revealed heavy metals concentrations in some products of:
• Over 50 ppb mercury
• Over 500 ppb lead
• Over 1,800 ppb cadmium
• Over 10,000 ppb tungsten

Fortunately, the industry is responding to customer concerns!
Many of the top companies have already announced their agreement to voluntary heavy metals limits. These industry leaders include Garden of Life, SunWarrior, Boku Superfood, Living Fuel, Nutribody, Sprout Living and even food bar companies like Go Macro.
All these companies have publicly committed to the following voluntary limits by July 1, 2015:
Lead limit: 250 ppb
Tungsten limit: 50 ppb
Cadmium limit: 1,000 ppb
Mercury limit: 50 ppb

TAP - in earlier posts, Natural News said that Californian rice was free of most heavy metals.    What's going on?  Are Asians being targeted via the rice bowl?  Probably.


  1. Anonymous9:30 am

    look at this henry...

    Depressing On Many Levels…
    A scheme to help teenage mums get into work is being launched in Barking and Dagenham. My Mummies Future (sic) will allow 30 women aged between 16 and 19 to gain opportunities within the health and beauty sector.
    I don’t know if any readers are familiar with Barking and Dagenham, but one thing it’s not short of is these sort of shops…

    Elsie Akinloluwa, the project’s office manager, said the scheme is necessary as teenage pregnancy in the borough is among the highest in London.
    “We are working to empower young mothers who may feel like they have been left without any prospects and give them a taste of getting into training or education,” she said, as many cannot read or write basic English in the heavily multicultural area.
    “We want to show them that they don’t have to sit at home and do nothing but take benefits.”
    I fear the only people who will be gainfully employed as a result of this scheme are the likes of Elsie Akinloluwa.

    Still, at least we aren’t paying for it:

    Free day care will be available during the nine week workshop which has been paid for by Big Lottery funding but alas a search over 7 counties revealed not a single job opening for them.

  2. Anonymous10:34 am

    USA. & UK?

