UPDATE - I’m not sure how this is happening, but we are getting signs of people not being able to find the new site. That’s a bit odd as the forwarding from the old URL www.the-tap.blogspot.com to tapnewswire.com should be automatic.
Today’s YouGov of CON 31, LAB 34, LD 6, UKIP 17, GRN 7 highlights the need to analyse what is happening to the GRN vote and what might happen in the key battlegrounds that will decide GE15.
Yet despite that we can see searches coming in with things like ‘where’s The Tap Blog gone?’
Then today an email arrived from Frank, saying he hoped I was on vacation and well, and that he was missing The Tap Blog.
I immediately replied to let him know about the new site and he said he was getting into the old site, which last posted on October 30th, with no forwarding message.
I suppose I should have put a post, but the auto-forward seemed to be working OK until the last couple of days.
Have google been up to their old tricks?
Frank said, ‘I am getting the home page from the old site with Oct 30 headline’.
I’ll add a post now. Apologies to all concerned.
Yesterday we had 16,000 page reads from about 4000 visitors, so things aren’t going too badly, but there could apparently be a few stragglers.
Here’s the old banner from a few years ago for those who remember it, and those who don’t!
Today’s YouGov of CON 31, LAB 34, LD 6, UKIP 17, GRN 7 highlights the need to analyse what is happening to the GRN vote and what might happen in the key battlegrounds that will decide GE15.
Given rising GRN shares generally I plan to keep a close eye on what is happening and will be returning to this in due case (SIC).
Politicalbetting.com Mike Smithson
My comment -
And still no mention of the word fracking.
The Greens are sailing along as the only party to offer opposition to the gas-drilling abomination.
The Greens are sailing along as the only party to offer opposition to the gas-drilling abomination.
Well might their vote be rising.
Tim Farron has spotted the weakness in the Lib Dem platform and wants to break ranks on this with Clegg.
Why do commenters on politicalbetting not realise that this is the key to understanding the collapsing Conservative/Labour/Lib Dem vote? And the failure of UKIP to punch through with Roger Helmer hard-glued to this insanity?
Are the others going to allow the Environmental fascistic Green Party to rampage all the way to the GE using anti-fracking as their sure-fire vote-winner?
Lib Dem President Tim Farron warns fracking could harm countryside 'for decades'
A new political row has broken out over the Coalition’s support for shale gas fracking, with a high-ranking Liberal Democrat warning that the process risks “damaging the countryside” for decades.
TAP - If or rather when Clegg goes, maybe the Lib Dems will join the political shift against fracking that's happening.
UKIP have missed their moment. Tim Farron's lining up to grab this political opportunity, and he's currently the number one bet to be Nick Clegg's successor. If Farron were to be a bit cheeky and declare a personal anti-fracking policy, he might see Lib Dem support start climbing once more.
UKIP have missed their moment. Tim Farron's lining up to grab this political opportunity, and he's currently the number one bet to be Nick Clegg's successor. If Farron were to be a bit cheeky and declare a personal anti-fracking policy, he might see Lib Dem support start climbing once more.
COMMENT on Political Betting -
When will you lot awaken and see what's caused Scotland to abandon Labour for the SNP, the Lib Dems to tank and the Greens to surge? It's all one reason.
Fracking will decide the 2015 election as I keep telling you.
SNP Ministers slam UK Government plans to allow fracking in Scotland.. despite 99% of people opposing it
Sep 25, 2014 22:38 By Dailyrecord.co.uk
FERGUS EWING, Scottish Government energy minister says that the UK Government plans amount to riding roughshod over Scottish people's views.. and called for immediate devolution of oil and gas grilling decisions.
As Plaid Cymru are opposing fracking, fracking could also swing Wales away from Labour. The only difference is that Welsh fracking is only just starting to get permissions, starting with Borras near Wrexham.
It''s certainly going to be an interesting time come the next general election as I propose to write to each of my proposed candidates wishing they express their personal political opinion regarding Fracking, Chemtrailing, Child Poverty and Child Abuse. If none come up to par then my voting cast will be marked 'No Suitable Candidates'.
ReplyDeletepeople cant vote green because they support peter tachells sex with little boys agenda
ReplyDeletemiliband is an unelectable twat and cameron is a moron
IKIP is a freind of irael now
is no one a freind of britian ?