
Thursday, May 16, 2013

Zionists planned to colonize Palestine in 1899 - NY Times

An article about a Conference of Zionists published on July 20, 1899 in the New York Times depicts how the Conference sought to “colonize Palestine” and discussed the purchasing of land with English Zionists. 

World Bulletin/News Desk
An article about a Conference of Zionists published on July 20, 1899 in the New York Times expresses that the Zionists “will colonize Palestine.”

The article explains that the conference discussed a paper from the English Zionist Federation “proposing the re-establishment of Judea as an independent State, suggesting the purchase of the Maccabean sites in Palestine, and the beginning of the work by the establishment of a Jewish colony and a Jewish Agricultural College there.”

It further clarifies that “The site to be purchased comprises about fifty acres, six miles from a station on the railroad between Jappa and Jerusalem, and within sight of the sea and a large stretch of the Palestinian coast.”

It notes that English Zionists have gathered 2,500 dollars in the currency of the period and request that quantity from the American Zionists.

The article also explains that “On motion of Dr. Wise, the Federation voted $100 as the nucleus of the required fund of $2,500, the remainder to be raised by subscriptions from the 125 societies and individuals, both Jews and Gentiles. A general appeal to the public will be made.”

It also conveys that delegates will be elected at the Zionist meeting in Baltimore.

The straightforward and comfortable manner with which the colonization is pursued is indicative how, before having to be concerned with the image of Zionism and public relations, Zionist leaders depicted their movement as a colonial mission during a time in which European nations were colonial powers. 

Judaeism hates Zionism.  Well explained in below video.


Always enjoyed this video:

Says it all, really... the Zionists need locking up for life for all the wars and misery they've caused.

Of course, you won't read anything about this in the Zionist-controlled mainstream media.

The war against Zionism


  1. Anonymous4:47 pm

    the zionists may have planned it but it was the British who did it.

  2. The OWG uses nations in turn to carry out its effects. As they leave, they crash each country. Britain was trashed. Now the US is reaching the same fate. It's like a cuckoo using other bird's nests, then once the fledgling is hatched, they trash the nest they just used.

  3. Anonymous11:36 pm

    Another New Jerusalem. To think I used to like that hymn. How ironic that the Church has for centuries sold a racist ideology which will make slaves of its flocks, to the flock...and all the while they sang happily, ignorant of its true meaning. No wonder they call us goyim!

  4. Anonymous6:23 pm

    I don't see what's wrong in that the Jews have their own state. Of course they make plans, everyone makes plans. Is something wrong in the existence of other states, like Slovakia, Croatia, Slovenia etc. All of these states were conceived, ideologically, in the second half of the 19th century through their national and cultural rebirth. Among Croatians there was Illyrism, among Jews there was Zionism. And these ideas were basis for 20th century national movements which gave birth of Israel in 1948., Croatia and Slovenia in 1991., and others after the fall of Berlin wall. Nothing mystical and conspirational there.

  5. Yet Israel was planned for the purpose of creating future war by Masonic bankers. War requires not just weapons and soldiers. It requires a narrative, a cause for which millions can be sacrificed. That's why the Rothschilds created Israel.

  6. Anonymous7:06 pm

    If someone has plans for mass extermination of Jews, whether they are Freemasons, or Bilderberg or some nazi-theosophist, or satanic group, and maybe runs for example an UN body or something similar, like banking lobby, wouldn't it be fair do supplant these data to security organs in Israel, US, EU or whatever, to try to prevent such a scenario (i don't include muslims here for obvious reasons)? Of course, if you have such data. Because everything I see all around media, Internet etc., is essentially conspiracy theories that are targeted to the Jews with one specific goal, and that is to dehumanize them as human beings. I am not a Jew, but I don't like this.

  7. Many Jewish people are aware they are being used yet again by the Zionist elite. Don't come on 'anti-semitic' please. That's an ancient ply which has had its day.

  8. Anonymous7:47 pm

    same answers that I've read a hundred times.

  9. ..only a hundred. Keep reading til you get it.

  10. Anonymous11:40 pm

    Always enjoyed this video:

    Says it all, really... the Zionists need locking up for life for all the wars and misery they've caused.

    Of course, you won't read anything about this in the Zionist-controlled mainstream media.

  11. Anonymous10:25 pm

    There were earlier Zionist plans in the 1840's and beyond
    the story at
